Pastor’s Note

Christ Church Christ Church


I have new neighbors! They’re  foreigners (well, they’re from the West Coast). 

Last week they were initiated into Alabama culture by experiencing their first tornado warning. I’ve explained to them that, historically, the tornadoes in our area have followed the same paths, and that, historically, the storm paths go south of us or go north of us.

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Christ Church Christ Church


“Please do what God tells you to do!” So says the sign stuck to a pine tree at an exit of I-65 somewhere between Cullman and Birmingham (I shared a photo of it Sunday - it hangs over my desk at home). 

For me, it’s a good reminder of what I’m to be about. In John 15, Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments,” and “this is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” Pretty simple, isn’t it? Love God . . . Love Others. It always comes down to that. 

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


Church was and is about coming together to see “on earth as it is in heaven” actually happen. Yes, we come together to worship, but the focus of that worship is on God and what God has done and is doing to redeem his lost creation. And then, we leave to serve - feeding the hungry, welcoming strangers, caring for the sick, visiting those in prison – and by serving this way, we do the Father’s will.

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


One of my favorite parts of Easter is singing He Lives! The last line of the refrain says it all: “You ask me how I know he lives? He lives within my heart!”

That really is the ultimate evidence. When that testimony is multiplied in the hearts of multitudes of other believers, and you see the evidence in changed lives, to quote one of the skeptics, “at the least you have to admit something happened.”

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


Since Easter, I’ve been speaking and writing about the evidence that supports the resurrection. Of course, we can’t look at physical evidence because there isn’t any (the tomb is empty). But there is other evidence that really needs to be considered.

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


Doubts . . . questions . . . there are times when we might well have them. One writer referred to them as the “dark night of the soul” – those painful and extremely difficult periods in life when we ask, “where is God?” For the other 10 disciples, their “dark night” was only Friday and Saturday. For Thomas, it went on for a week. But, Thomas, even though he’s holding out on the resurrection, hasn’t chucked the whole thing.

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


The resurrection of Jesus transformed cowards into heroes. Boldly proclaiming what they witnessed and fearlessly facing the enemies before whom they previously cowered, the disciples of Jesus – men and women – would “turn the world upside down” with the message of the resurrection.

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


There are some who claim the resurrection of Jesus, the key event in the history of humanity, is baloney and, honestly, if you can debunk the resurrection, then our entire faith falls apart.

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


Why do we do what we do?

I think that’s a dandy question to ask at all points of our lives, and it’s an important one to ask as believers.

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


Forgiveness isn’t easy, but neither is anything really worth doing. But forgiveness is necessary for our wholeness as children of God. Paul urges the church in Romans 12:21, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” And the supreme example of that is Jesus hanging on the cross, praying “Father, forgive them.”

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


When God forgives us, God cancels the sin debt against us. When we forgive, we have to cancel the debt that we believe someone owes us. When we don’t forgive, we are saying, “That person owes me an apology.” But Ephesians 4:32 calls us to forgive others as God has forgiven us. That means concluding that they don’t owe us anything. Not even an apology.

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


For one thing, we learn God wants us to be honest with him. He’s a Big God and he’s been around a very long time and has seen and heard it all. Nothing you are feeling or nothing you have to say is going to take God by surprise in the least. God’s never going to say, “O, that’s a new one.”

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


There are some people who it may never be possible to reconcile with. Just make sure it is their problem and not yours. Make certain that your heart is free and your hands clean, that your attitude toward them is pure.

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


Lent invites us to “listen” to the music of our lives. Lent invites us to take honest stock of our hearts and deal with what’s lurking in their deepest recesses. Lent calls is to be honest – honest to ourselves and honest to God.

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


Several years ago I preached on the “essentials” of the Christian life. These are essential because they are the guide rails that keep us from running off the road. They are essential because they enculturate our Christian faith into our lives. They are essential because Christ practiced them, and we want to be like Christ. They are essential because they ensure that the things we give our lives to will matter for eternity. They are essential because when we face life’s challenges, we can live lives of faithfulness!

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


Because no matter what situation, we find ourselves in, no matter the ruling government, no matter the country, no matter the culture, what doesn’t change about us is that we are an utterly unique family who are created by God’s call and governed by God’s loving rule. We’re not a race; we’re not a government; we’re not a culture. We’re not even physically related, necessarily.

We are God’s people. God established us. We are His.

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


As Christians, we live our lives as reflections of God’s love for us. John tells us in I John 4:19, “We love because he first loved us” and “whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.” Can’t get any more plain than that!

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


But don’t just breeze through Deuteronomy. Listen carefully and you’ll hear familiar quotes from the New Testament (“Man shall not live by bread alone” and “do not put the Lord your God to the test”). Read closely, and you’ll find that Deuteronomy lays the foundation for the story that follows.

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


Through their calendar and through their worship, they were constantly reminded of all that God did for them.

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


God is with us in the midst of our storms. And in the entire history of the world, there was never a storm that didn’t pass.

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