Prayer Corner

Prayer Request: 

  • Dottie Rogers, Rita’s sister-in-law, continues to decline and has been transferred to a hospice facility in Mobile. 

  • John Carpenter, whose wife is a friend of Rita’s,  is going to M D Anderson this week for evaluation.

  • Thomas Swan’s brother, James, as he continues to deal with ongoing heart issues. 

  • Prayers for Ande Swan for guidance for health issues.

  • Priscilla’s Aunt Dorothy continues her decline. Please pray for Priscilla as she sets up hospice care and makes pre arrangements for her aunt. 

  • Priscilla’s cousin Marcy, is in the hospital with Kidney and Spine Cancer and will be starting Chemo soon. 

  • Cody Ridenour, Kim’s student, who was diagnosed with Type I diabetes while on a family trip, will be returning to Florida later this week. Please pray for Cody and his family as they adjust to his condition.

  • Rosemarie, Kim’s fellow teacher who is going through a difficult personal struggle.

  • Leti Watson as she recovers from surgery.

  • Chris Ponder, a friend of Bill Gullatt, in the death of his father, Wayne Ponder.

  • Praise:  Nancy Waye’s niece is cancer free - except for the shell of the tumor, which is causing her pain.

  • Nancy Waye is dealing with blood pressure issues. 

  • Renee Knowles, for a special unspoken request.

  • Kris Wagahoft, a cousin to Cheri and Joyce who were with us a few weeks ago. She’s been diagnosed with lung and liver cancer. And Cheri as she deals with grief. 

  • Megon Griffin, Bobi Landers’ niece, recovering from a light stroke.

  • Brandon Landers, Bobi’s nephew, for help going through a difficult time. 

  • Mary Roberts, Kerri’s 95 year old friend who’s been diagnosed with aggressive lung and bone cancer. She has been a second mother to Kerri from her youth.

  • Hubert Richards, the father of one of Renee’s co-workers, passed away. Please pray for consolation for the family and safety as they travel to Florida for the funeral.

  • Jane Hancock, a college friend of Karen’s, undergoing her 4th surgery for the same issue.

  • Dr. Michael Conrad, as he explores options for his cancer. He appreciates and believes in the power of prayer.  

  • Unspoken prayer request for Taylor, Kay, and Dashiell in China. 

  • Pat Bacon, an old friend of Pastor Terry and retired band director in Athens, in Athens, suffers from Parkins and is in the hospital. 

  • Judy Hargrove’s niece, that she will have a safe pregnancy and deliver a healthy child. 

  • John Whitt, that he’ll be able to be back with us soon.

  • Jason Gospodarek as he recovers from surgery.  

  • Those suffering from allergy and other respiratory issues.

  • Prayers of safety for ourselves, family, and friends from the Omicron Variant (and others), so that we may continue to gather in person as a church family.

Continued Prayers For:

  • Those who have lost loved ones in recent months.

  • Bob Bell is being treated for long-term Covid.

  • Bev Gullatt, Bill Gullatt’s sister-in-law, is home from the hospital and is improving. 

  • Judy’s husband, David, is no longer being treated for afib and the doctors seem to be relieving his pain issues. 

  • Cassidy, the 6-year-old niece of Angie’s friend, as she continues to recover from an aneurysm. 

  • Thomas Swan as he continues to recover from his skin cancer surgery and continues to have back issues. Please remember Thomas and Ande (for an unspoken request) in your prayers! 

  • Update on Sheryl Stubbs, Kerri’s friend with stage 4 liver cancer: Sheryl is out of the hospital but will be continuing her chemo treatments through CCI. 

  • Dawn and Robert Harvey, facing major financial issues. 

  • Jane Pavis, as she continues to settle in her new life in Wisconsin. Also, for her dog, Paulie, who possibly has a degenerative, neurological condition. 

  • Audra Lott, a friend of Pastor Terry’s, as she approaches the end of life. 

  • Karen Ferguson, mother of a friend of Thomas Swan, is home undergoing therapy.

  • Ande Swan’s niece, Donna, for wisdom in dealing with ongoing heart issues. Her husband is being treated for blood cancer.

  • Prayers for Judy Hargrove’s daughter’s family

  • Dale Guest

  • Ryan’s uncle, John Waite

  • For DeAndre's aunt and uncle, Diane and Jay 

  • Amber Tucker's parents:  Rick Patterson is now under hospice care, and Dee, his wife, also has serious health issues.

  • Prayers for the homeless and those in need of shelter.

  • Prayers for Limestone County Churches Involved (LCCI). For their volunteers and the people that they assist.

  • Prayers for our schools, especially those in the East Limestone area.

  • Pray for God's grace to recognize opportunities to be witnesses in our everyday lives - at home, at work, and everywhere else God has placed us. 

  • Continue to pray for God's guidance as we serve the East Limestone area.