Pastor’s Note

Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


And in this time of such deep polarization around the world, maybe the power of these texts and a robust message of Christmas might inspire folks to crawl out of their trenches for a lasting truce.

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


The rhythms of the year reflect the saving events in the story of God’s people, and living our lives by those rhythms shape us into God’s people because they constantly remind us of who we are and Whose we are.

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


I can tell you, those two ladies lived out Ecclesiastes 9:10, “Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all our might!”

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


How do we strike a balance between being involved citizens and being believers? As one writer I read asked, “Are we citizen-disciples or disciple-citizens?” Which comes first? What is the role of Christians in politics?

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


I want each of you to be able to “rightly handle the word of God,” so no matter what situation you may find yourself in, whether it’s reading a book, a Facebook post, a podcast, YouTube video, visiting preacher or just a well-meaning friend’s comments, you can weigh what they say against the Word of God for yourself and have the confidence to know whether or not it aligns with the scripture.

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


We’re tempted to think of God’s presence as being limited to the church building or to our services – and that’s where the Psalmist begins. The temple is where God is praised as the one who answers prayer, and forgives transgressions, and those who live there are blessed.

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


Balance is important in everything. For some, SEC football is almost a religion (I doubt that’s true for anyone reading this, but you probably know someone), and if you know the roster of players better than you know the roster of disciples, if you know the words to “Dixieland Delight” but don’t know the words to “Joy to the World,” or if the first thing you think of when you hear the phrase, “Hail Mary” is of a last ditch, long forward pass, should you maybe rethink your values?

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


It was this matter of caring for those in need that caught the world’s attention and it was through their not running from those in need that they were truly able to be the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world.”

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


Because it all boils down to why we exist to begin with: “Loving God . . . loving others.”

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


Faith is the life that begins with our belief that Jesus is Lord - belief gets us in the door, but it doesn’t stop there. It includes the sort of loyalty we see in John 11, when Jesus says he’s going back to Jerusalem, and the disciples say, “Waitaminute – they want to kill you,” but Thomas says, “Ok, let’s go so that we can die with him.”

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


Why? Why Passover over Yom Kippur? That’s one of the things Sunday’s sermon is about! We’ll take a look at the final Passover Jesus spent with his disciples and consider the reason Jesus chose to die on Passover rather than the day we might think was the more obvious, the Day of Atonement.

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


A land is only holy because of God’s presence now, not because of God’s presence in the past. Going to see the places where God has worked in the past is one thing; it’s edifying, educational, inspiring – all that and more. But, being a part of a land where we can see God’s hand at work now is quite another.

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


It’s the Word of God, and no matter how often you read it or how well you know it, you’ll never exhaust it!

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


Our music should be an expression of who we are, a people loved and redeemed by God. That’s not saying that everything has to be religious. But the story of our life, every aspect of our life, is shaped by the grace of God, and that has to reflect the songs we sing and listen to all of our days.

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


Just as the light of day spreads out over the earth, so God’s glory is exalted over all the heavens. In light of the greatness of our God, we know we can trust him with whatever we’re going though. We can turn to him in times of trial because we know the Object of our faith is not a “religion,” but God in his steadfast love and faithfulness. As Lamentations 3:22-23 (the source of one of our favorite hymns) remind us, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


We want to be a place where God’s will is done. We want to be, like that little country church in the movie, a place where people can look at us and declare that here – even in a strip mall in a small rural community – is the kingdom of God.

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


We’re part of a long tradition. We’re continuing a story that began thousands of years ago, and part of our Christian culture includes the contributions made by those faithful believers who have gone before us – the songs and hymns of that great cloud of witnesses who left us the wonderful gift of song.

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


What do you believe should be on a list of essential facts that every Christian should know?

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


“Yes, I’ll sing the wondrous story

Of the Christ who died for me

Sing it with the saints in glory

Gathered by the crystal sea.”

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Ashlyn Krupp Ashlyn Krupp


Camp meetings kept us united. No matter the denomination, at camp meeting you could learn about your church’s missionary work; you could hear the essentials of the faith proclaimed in a lively and memorable way; you could visit with believers from all over the state, all over the country and sometimes all over the world. At camp meeting, you learned that the church was bigger than just your local congregation.

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