Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above
Translator: Frances Elizabeth Cox; Author: Johann Jakob Schütz (1675)
Deuteronomy 32:3 was the basis for this hymn of praise – “For I will proclaim the name of the Lord; ascribe greatness to our God!” (ESV) Using a variety of metaphors for God and for His works, this text overflows with proclamations of God's loving care for His people.
Johann Jakob Schütz wrote this hymn of praise in German with nine stanzas. In 1675 he published it in his Christliches Gedenkbüchlein. The most common English translation in use today is by Frances E. Cox.
Six stanzas in common use today offer praise to God for various reasons.
Stanza 1 praises God for His Salvation…
"Sing praise to God who reigns above, The God of all creation,
The God of power, the God of love, The God of our salvation;
With healing balm my soul He fills, And every faithless murmur stills."
Stanza 2 praises God for His Power…
"What God’s almighty power hath made His gracious mercy keepeth;
By morning glow or evening shade His watchful eye ne’er sleepeth;
Within the kingdom of His might, Lo! all is just and all is right."
Stanza 3 praises God for His Mercy…
"We sought the Lord in our distress; O God, in mercy hear us.
Our Savior saw our helplessness And came with peace to cheer us.
For this we thank and praise the Lord, Who is by one and all adored."
Stanza 4 praises God for His Help…
"The Lord is never far away, But through all grief distressing,
An ever-present help and stay, Our peace, and joy, and blessing;
As with a mother’s tender hand, He leads His own, His chosen band."
Stanza 5 praises God for His Joy…
"Thus, all my gladsome (toilsome) way along, I sing aloud His praises,
That men may hear the grateful song My voice unwearied raises.
Be joyful in the Lord, my heart, Both soul and body bear your part."
Stanza 6 praises God for Christ…
"O ye who name Christ’s holy name, Give God all praise and glory;
All ye who know His power proclaim Aloud the wondrous story!
Cast each false idol from His throne, The Lord is God, and He alone."
Each stanza ends with the brief but beautiful refrain,
"To God all praise and glory."
Sing Praise to God is both stately and lively, a buoyant hymn of praise and thanksgiving.